Sunday, January 27, 2019

2019 Reading Challenge

I am! Ever since I moved last summer and now have to drive 25 minutes instead of 5 to work every day (I know...crazy, right?), I've been reading (okay...listening to) a book every other week.

I love Audible books, but I find that I often get in a rut, reading the same type of story for many months in a row, and then I get burned out on it. As a writer, I start to see what they mean about avoiding common tropes. COMMON TROPES,  Makes me want to scream when I figure out the ending when I'm only one-third into the story. It's always my goal to write stories that surprise readers.

My challenge to myself is to mix things up as far as my reading list. Here are some of my ideas:

  • A book by a debut author
  • One in a genre that I'm not familiar with
  • An award winner
  • A classic
  • A non-fiction motivational book
  • One written by a known comedian
Got any suggestions? What's on YOUR challenge list?

Til next time (hopefully it won't be as long as the last time!),


Writing suspenseful stories often leads me to investigating creepy places and  gruesome stories of real events.  Oftentimes what the adage s...