I was recently talking with some writer friends and this question came up:
Is it more important for YA authors to potray realistic characters (that may have a dark side) or to create positive role models?
Good question.

No doubt about
it, Bonnie and Clyde did a lot of horrific things in their day and were eventually
gunned down for it by a posse of tough crime fighters called The Texas Rangers.
I’m not making excuses for Bonnie and Clyde––it was good they were stopped. Gun downed by a posse of sharp shooters? Not sure about that one. Especially when you factor in the time frame when they lived (The Depression), where they lived (the poorest slum in Texas), and their age when they started to commit their crimes (16 for Clyde, 19 for Bonnie).
I think what I tried
to show is that most of us––Bonnie and Clyde included––are not solidly “all
good” or “all bad.” Many of us make decisions that seem like a good idea at the
time that later turn out to be not-so-great. My main character, a teen girl
named Monroe, has always lived by the motto, “You Only Live Once,” but when she
faces the counterpart to that, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time,”
she starts to reconsider.
If she could do it
all over again, she might say, “Yes, you are in charge of your own destiny.
Just make sure it’s the destiny you really want.”
Actual footage taken from Bonnie & Clyde’s death scene
in 1934.
'Til next time, stay safe!