What IS the best setting for a book?
The short answer has always been: a place you’ve been or can

That’s why the majority of my stories happen in or around
Chicago (or Wisconsin) because I’ve lived here (and hung out there) my whole
life. I know the area/culture/ people so well and it feels natural and easy.
But what if the story
needs to take place you’re unfamiliar with?
Like if you want your story to take place on the moon, a tiny apartment in
Paris, or in say, an African safari?
When I first began to write WANTED: DEAD OR IN LOVE, I wasn’t worried about setting
the story in my hometown. Surely the legendary outlaws Bonnie and Clyde (who
appear heavily throughout my story) committed crimes in the Chicago area, just
like all the other famous 1920’s gangsters such as Capone, Dillinger, and Bugs
To read the rest of this article, head over to
Uncommon YA where I hang out with some pretty fabulous writers!
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